The Academy


The Academy is a unique, highly cost-effective programme for high-potential women, the future leaders within your organisation. It consists of our signature “Stepping Up” one-day workshop, an online learning platform, regular live coaching calls and webinars, a 12-month online coaching programme and a peer-support mastermind group. The Academy for Talented Women is a powerful combination of bite-sized training with coaching and peer support.

“The Academy has given me access to the most amazing group of supportive and non-judgmental women who have encouraged and empowered me to be the best version of ‘me’ that I can be. Amanda has empowered me to believe in my own capabilities and provided practical guidance and support.”


Why Women?

“I struggle with balancing family and work life, and sofar my reputation is suffering both at work and at home.”

This quote, from a 42-year-old Harvard Business graduate, is indicative of the issues faced by many women, particularly those in middle management. With 40% of first-time births to women over 30 and an ageing population, the pressure on women is increasing as more juggle their career with caring responsibilities for both young and old. The debate is no longer ‘Can Women Have It All?’ but rather ‘Can Women DO It All?’

It is a myth that women are not as career-driven as men. When they start their careers, more women (43%) than men (34%) aspire to reach top management. However, after just two years of experience as junior managers, the same percentage of men are still aspiring to top management level, whilst for women the figure has dropped to 16%.

It is too simplistic to attribute this drop to starting a family: women tend to define success more broadly than men and they don’t always admit to the barriers to success.

The Business Case

Improving opportunities for women to advance to senior roles builds engagement between employers at all levels within the business. Higher levels of employee engagement result in greater productivity, higher talent retention and improve companies’ operating performance by almost 20%.³ This is equivalent to a potential £5bn* in the UK.


Connecting women is the cornerstone of ‘The Academy’ as we understand the power of a supportive online network of like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of balancing all the roles of a woman. Members of our growing community have a safe space to ask for help, get unstuck, share challenges, successes, ideas and inspiration. The results have been profound:

“I didn’t think my dream was possible – having a stimulating professional career, time with my family and keeping up hobbies I enjoy. I always assumed something would have to give. However, The Academy took me on a journey to achieve my life choices on my terms with a positive mindset, and I can now say I am living my personal dream.I feel more balanced, content, with a higher salary and more time at home. There’s always room for improvement or adjustment, so having a support network always available with the flexibility to dip into specific resources, or be coached on a specific issue when times are tough, is invaluable.” —CATHY HUMPHREYS, SALES DIRECTOR


Business leaders are increasingly aware that gender diversity is vital for strong governance and effective decision-making. There is evidence that it has a direct impact on business performance: A recent study showed it equates directly to greater return on equity. Businesses whose gender diversity falls behind their competitors are putting themselves at risk.

The four key
reasons are:

  1. Diversity in teams leads to better innovation
  2. Representation of consumers in employee team profiles enhances
    connection to markets
  3. Respecting legal and moral obligations avoids negative costs of non-compliance
  4. More effective participation – men and women perform better in gender-balanced teams

However, with only 6% of FTSE executive (C-Suite) directors being female and over 80% of FTSE 250 companies with no female executive directors at all, it is clear that the internal talent pipeline is not facilitating effective promotion of women across all industries.
The Academy is the essential tool to stop this leak of talent by engaging women at all levels within your organisation.Our service provides the expertise, environment and supportive community to grow confidence and leadership skills for every woman in your organisation.

Each individual will have the opportunity to go beyond their comfort zones and discover hidden potential that result in higher performance for them and increased profits for your company.

What are the benefits of working with us?

As a partner of The Academy you are able to empower the mid-level women in your organisation to activate their untapped potential without disrupting the job that you have paid them to do.

The Academy for Talented Women provides a flexible, high-value support platform at a highly competitive price. We recognise that, for a woman to perform well at work, she needs to have strategies that support her career, her life and herself. We call this the 3-legged stool of success – all 3 legs of the stool need to be solid to prevent the stool wobbling!

By partnering with The Academy you make available these powerful resources to your female staff members 24/7. This enables members to work through areas that support their individual ‘success formula’ at a pace that suits them.

You do not need to provide us with a meeting room or ask any staff member to take time out from the office as we provide all learning, coaching, support and community within The Academy’s dedicated virtual online membership platform.

We provide your
talented women with:

  • A practical, strategy based toolkit that converts into easy actionable steps and enables the integration of new habits that support their career success.
  • Regular coaching webinars throughout the year where members can get ‘on the spot’ career, leadership or personal coaching and accountability.
  • Regular masterclasses delivered by webinar throughout the year. Our masterclasses give members the essential career and life support they seek.
  • We choose our masterclasses carefully and in response to our members’ learning needs as women juggling many different roles.
  • An online peer support network that provides a space for members to continuously encourage and motivate each other to keep on track towards their goals.

As an added benefit, all Academy member organisations receive substantial discounts for additional one-to-one coaching sessions.

Below are a few examples of The Academy’s existing library of coaching webinars and masterclasses within the 3 key areas of the 3-legged stool: Managing Myself, Managing My Career and Managing My Life.


How to increase your self-belief

  • How to increase your self-belief
  • Understand and identify your core values
  • Burnout: how to recognise it and avoid it
  • How to overcome inner resistance
  • Resilience for innovation and growth
  • How to rewire your brain for success using the principles of neuroplasticity
  • Happy Hormones: how to fight fat, fatigue and hormone havoc after 35


  • How to be confident at work even in the most challenging situations
  • How to use LinkedIn for your career
  • Promoting your value at work via your personal brand
  • Managing difficult feedback
  • How to deal with conflict
  • Creating a powerful impact at work with your personal image
  • Negotiation skills for women


  • How to create flow in your home
  • ‘Too Much to Do’: how to deal with overwhelm
  • How to adapt to a new culture
  • Work-life balance versus ‘The Blend’
  • Creating boundaries for work and life
  • Understanding the roles you play


There are six elements of The Academy that include:

Stepping Up Workshop

Online Toolkit and Strategies

Online Talent Development Coaching

Live Coaching via Webinar

Live Mastermind Classes via Webinar

Online Networking

Stepping Up is the Academy’s one-day annual workshop. It includes cornerstone content: Eliminating obstacles to success,creating a confident mindset and growing resilience.

The Academy’s comprehensive multimedia library of masterclasses and coaching calls that support members’ career and personal success.

The Academy’s signature 12-month modular online coaching programme designed to increase selfknowledge and develop potential in professional women.

Each member can access regular (and recorded) coaching calls in the Academy each year.This means they can get ‘on the spot’ coaching accountability and support within each of the 3 Academy areas of self,career and life.

Each member canaccess regular expert masterclasses on topics that address the 3 areas of the Academy: Managing Myself, Managing My Career and Managing My Life.

Members build valuable connections and gain valuable support within a like-minded group of other professional women

Included in The Academy Programme

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Stepping Up One-Day Workshop

Regular coaching calls throughout the year

Regular masterclasses throughout the year

12 x monthly online coaching modules

Comprehensive library of masterclasses with videos, MP3s and supporting PDFs

Comprehensive library of coaching calls with videos, MP3s and supporting PDFs

The Academy Mastermind​

1 – 49




130 – 289


290 – 609


610 – 1249




Note: For any company wishing to join more than 2000 members within their organisation we will be happy to negotiate a competitive license fee to fit your budget.


Amanda Alexander has a global reputation as a highly experienced certified Coach with over 14 years’ experience. She is focused on developing emotionally intelligent and resilient leaders, optimising performance and developing sustainable and fulfilling work-life integration.

Having trained with many of the world’s most highly-respected Coaches including experts such as the BBC’s ‘Happiness Expert’ Dr Robert Holden, Amanda has dedicated her efforts to developing success intelligence, self-belief and resilience in talented female middle managers. Her mission is to help talented women to ‘get out of their own way’ and achieve success.

Amanda has worked with hundreds of individuals and organisations across multiple jurisdictions and industry sectors including: Accenture, AIG, Allianz, American Express, the BBC, Bank of America, Bank of Scotland, BT, Co-operative, HSBC, Urenco (BNFL), Sage,Chester University, University College London, Women in Engineering Society, RTPI and ICAEW.


Amanda completed a Master’s degree in Computation, with a Double Honours BA in Modern Languages, both from the University of Manchester. Pre-coaching, Amanda started her career as a Project Manager and gained extensive experience within project planning and control, subcontractor management and risk management. She led global IT change projects for Fujitsu ICL (formerly ICL) and Unisys Corporation. Her work included a two-year overseas posting in Zimbabwe.


  • ‘Coach/Mentor of the Year’Women Inspiring Women Awards in 2012
  • Finalist Mumpreneur UK awards 2012 -Best Supporting Business Category
  • Finalist Enterprise Vision Awards 2013 – Named one of the UK’s Top 100 Mumpreneurs in 2012.

Press Features

Amanda is a much sought after expert by the press. She has featured in broadsheets

such as The Times, the Telegraph and the Independent. She is a founder member of

the Citrix Workshifting Council, a blogger for The Huffington Post and Psychologies

magazine, and is one of Sage’s Business Experts.​

What Academy Members Say

“I have always found great benefit from connecting with other senior professionals. At particular points in my career relationships with other women have been particularly important. From the seemingly trivial conversation about updating my work wardrobe to a more mature (but still credible and fun look) to seeking reassurance about balancing family life with my career – the Academy has been a unique source of ideas and support.”


“The Academy has had such an amazing knock-on effect across my
personal and business life… It has literally changed the way I think
about my life forever.”


“One of the things I’ve found best about The Academy is having support
on the forum exactly when I need it. Whenever I’ve really wanted some
encouragement, or needed a friendly boot in the right direction, the
positive and generous support from my fellow members has been



“The day I found Amanda Alexander as a coach transformed my working
life. For the last 3 years, I have been coached by Amanda and have been
a member of The Academy. Amanda is able to draw out ‘the true you’
within minutes and gives honest coaching. She has guided me through
promotions at work, she has helped me identify my passion, values and
she has coached me through tricky situations with ease.”


“Amanda has really contributed to work that is really key to our Gender
Equality and wider Equality and Diversity agenda.”

Kathryn Leighton, HRMS


Associate Profiles


After 20+ years working as a leadership communications specialist, Caroline Ferguson retrained as a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist and Mindset Trainer. She specialises in teaching professional women how to beat their limiting beliefs, low self-worth and unhelpful habits that hold them back. Her unique mindset toolkit equips potential female leaders with the skills to become more resilient and solution-focused so that they can deliver their full, extraordinary impact.


An Author, Coach and ‘Productivity Ninja’, Grace specialises in helping people find ways of doing their best work with less overwhelm.She is also a qualified NLP practitioner and DISC facilitator, and a mum of two. Grace is the author of two books: The Amazon best-selling 21 Ways to Manage the Stuff That Sucks Up Your Time and How to be Really Productive: Achieving clarity and getting results in a world where work never ends, published by Pearson.


Trained as an Executive Performance Coach, Emma has a unique blend of expertise in personal development, stress management and linguistic coaching. She has created highly successful techniques to support clients to suspend selfjudgment,to thrive on learning and to create powerful strategies that they accept and believe in. Emma is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation as well as a member of the International Stress Management Association ISMA.


If you are interested in having The Academy support the talented women in your business, please contact Amanda for a guided tour.

