Amanda’s speaking style is informal, humorous and interactive. In as little as an hour, she can help an audience develop more confidence, learn about the essential keys of work-life balance, understand the importance of resilience, explain how to implement flexible working or help them to reduce their limiting beliefs.
Amanda’s presentations can be delivered in various formats: As keynotes, lunch and learn sessions, interactive workshops, tele seminars and webinars.
Amanda is highly experienced at running webinars and for virtual speaking engagements, Amanda takes care of all the technical requirements. You simply need to invite your audience!
When I first stand up in front of an audience, the first thing I do is get curious about the people in front of me. All speakers get nervous, no matter how experienced they are. But the one thing that I am aware of is that, often, my audience may also be nervous!
They may be thinking:
My primary goal is to help people feel more relaxed and at ease. I strongly believe in ”learning with lightness and fun” and this principle is at the forefront of all of my speaking engagements.
So when you engage me as your speaker, the mood will be light, the learning will be fun and the atmosphere will be one of warmth and support. Sometimes I talk about things that touch people deeply. My focus is on creating a safe and supportive atmosphere to facilitate learning. Audience members usually leave with a simple action plan of 1-3 steps they can start practising straight away.
Here are three of my most popular keynote presentations:
Do you ever say to yourself “I’m not good/clever/smart/confident/brave enough?”
In fact, you can fill in your own blank to this well worn phrase that is replayed in millions of women’s and men’s heads over and over again:
“I am not _________________ enough”
Have you ever held back from going for that promotion at work, or speaking up in a meeting, or just
stating what you WANT, because you worry that they will “find you out”?
Self-belief – or rather lack of it – is the primary obstacle that holds most people back from having the life they want.
After you’ve removed all other obstacles (e.g. time, money, information, support), the one thing that will stop you from having what you want in life is this: YOUR BELIEF IN YOURSELF
In this workshop, Amanda gives you a compassionate kick up the backside and share with you a set of practical techniques to help you to get to grips with the pesky “mind monkeys” that chatter away in your subconscious, telling you that you are not good enough.
In this workshop, you will learn:
This interactive workshop gives time-poor, overwhelmed professionals a brand new take on creating work-life balance. Amanda shows participants how to shift their thinking from overwhelmed and over-committed to defining balance on their own terms.
Participants will learn how to make the right choices for themselves so they can live the life they want. You will leave the workshop with a realistic plan and a feeling that their is hope for you to get the balance right!
Most of us are on a quixotic quest for more time, or failing that, the latest time management technique that will magically help us become more productive, more efficient and more organised.
In this workshop, Amanda argues that there is no “one size fits all” time management technique, whilst also sharing a practical toolkit of time management techniques that participants can experiment with and adapt to suit your life.
You will come out of this workshop exhaling a sigh of relief, having accepted that you can’t manage time, but that you can manage your own expectations of organising a busy life.
If you are an HR-related professional or the Head of your organisation’s Professional Network and you’d like to chat to Amanda to see how she can help you encourage, motivate and educate your members, please call on +44 (0)1829 752004 or +44 (0)7739 692989. If you haven’t already done so, please read this page to discover Amanda’s approach.
Or, if you prefer, you can contact Amanda using the form below: