My coaching business is a joy. I coach clients all over the World, from London to Perth and everywhere in between. I work from my home office in the garden, I do the school run, walk the dog, run in the nearby forest and I’m able to be part of the community. I coach individuals and I work with organisations. My coaching business revenue streams consist of:
I started coaching when Max, my youngest son, was 6 months old. I swapped my corporate job in IT as a Project Manager for self-employment, working from home.
My decision to change my career, invest in training as a coach and set up my own business 12 years ago, was a HUGE one. Max was about 4 months old.
As a family, we had just come out of a very uncertain period. My husband had been made redundant when I was 6 months pregnant. I was threatened with redundancy at the same time.
Also around the same time, we had bought a bigger house with a bigger mortgage. My husband remained unemployed for 6 months until Max was 3 months old. And he was also financially responsible for 2 children from his previous marriage.
In other words, we weren’t loaded with money!
But some decisions, however scary, have to be made when you KNOW in your gut that it’s right for you.
And I knew.
Because I’d become a mother. And the possibilities of making this huge leap into the unknown meant this:
I no longer had to feel anxious that I might receive an email at 5pm summoning me to yet another meeting the next day in Uxbridge (a 7-8 hour round trip).
I still wanted to work and I was still ambitious, but I didn’t want to be constantly at the beck and call of a company whose culture did not support being a parent.
And I wanted to do something that made a difference. I wanted to help PEOPLE.
Because I just LOVE people. Which sounds very corny, but it’s the truth!
You probably know exactly what I’m getting at, don’t you? 🙂
Anyway.. I leapt..and here I am 11 years later and I have never looked back.
The net always appears for those courageous enough to leap. I’ve seen it happen time after time with the courageous clients I’ve had the privilege to work with.
I don’t believe in competitors – I see only opportunities for collaboration.
However, if I DID, then this is what I’d tell you: NONE of my competitors have the combination of skills, experience and success that I demonstrate.
In short, I’m a coach with a helluva lot of experience (11 years and over 2,000 recorded client hours). Which means I also have a big sack of knowledge about what it takes to set up and grow a successful coaching practice from home. Whilst raising 2 children!
And this is what you need right now.
Prior to becoming a Coach, I spent 10 years in the corporate world, as a jet-setting Project Manager in the IT industry. And before that I spent far too long at University collecting degrees (I have a double honours in Modern Languages and a Masters in Computing, in case you’re interested!)
I am seen as an authority in my niche and I’m a trusted, recognised reference point for the media on all things working parent and work-life balance. Here is a selection of the media I’ve appeared in:
I work with corporate clients, too. Within the past couple of months, I have been working with companies like:
And I am immensely proud to be working as a trusted associate for Working Families, the UK’s leading work-life balance organisation.
Would you like to know how to do your own group coaching programmes?
I run my own and have done for many years.
I know how to create, market and run group coaching programmes. From hard-won experience. I can help you shortcut much of the pain.
I run a thriving “coaching club” offering low cost coaching and professional development to working mums. You can check it out.. it’s called FaB Club ( )
In other words, I know my stuff!
I’m not a marketer whose target market is coaches.
I’m a coach..a real, bona fide, proper COACH!!! And not just any old Coach, but one who has actually continued to grow her coaching practice through the longest recession since the Depression.