Please also read the page “Is this you” to find out if coaching together will be a good fit!
1. A kickstart questionnaire sent to you before our meeting for you to complete and send back to me. This means that we will achieve A LOT in your coaching session.
2. 2 hours of personal coaching from me – an award winning ICF Professional Certified Coach with 13+ years experience of coaching brilliant women who want to make a bigger contribution and live a bigger life. Much more quickly than they would on their own.
You will come out of your coaching session with an action plan tailored to your goals. And a spring in your step. Both guaranteed!
3. One month of email support from me to make sure you TAKE ACTION on your agreed action plan, get help when you feel stuck and to keep the energy and momentum going after your face to face session.
4. A follow-up 30 minute coaching call in one month’s time to provide accountability, structure and more forward momentum.
My normal fee for face for face coaching sessions is normally £500 + expenses. This fee does not include follow up support. The follow up coaching call alone is worth over £140 and the value of email support is £100 So altogether you’d be paying £740 + expenses if I was making a special trip to work with you.
However, your investment for this rare opportunity to be coached in person by me is only £375 for the whole coaching package detailed above, payable via BACS upon receipt of invoice in advance of our meeting.
I’ll be in the City Centre at the Garden Hilton near Brindley Place so we’ll agree a place to meet that is chic, comfortable and most importantly, serves great coffee!
On Tuesday 1st November, I am offering coaching between 9am and 3pm.
If you’d like to apply for one of these very special sessions, call me on 01829 752004 or 07739 692989, or send an email to and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours to confirm.
If you’d like to know how much progress we can make in a 2 hour face to face session, here are 2 emails that Kaya and Lynne sent me after their face to face London sessions, back in May 2016 (the last time this offer was available):
Kaya: “Thank you again for all your help with getting clear on my packages and clients and all you valuable insight. I really look forward to working with you again very soon!
Oooh also I met a very keen, potential client on the train today from randomly striking up a conversation about babies. It has given me lots of confidence moving forward as I really didn’t have to sell my package at all. We just had a genuine conversation and I mentioned what I do and because I am now so clear on my messaging I guess it struck a chord… Super!”
Lynne: ” Huge thank you for your support last week and my coaching session with you.
I can already feel I’m moving from being stuck. I’m also looking into other options for work as I don’t really want to be where I don’t feel valued.
You always help me see a different perspective, it’s like I open my eyes wide and my brain starts ticking.”